More knitting Less baby :)

So here goes some actual knitting content, this is clue 2 of Mystery Stole 3 complete


I am absolutely loving the knit along and it is speeding along, I also think if we keep going at this rate I am only going to use half of the white Angora which leaves me some for another project.

Here is a close up of the beads.


I am still not sure about them but am commited now:)

I have also been working on some hats and the jumper for Brigid but have also managed to squeeze in this little set for Peanut made from Blue Sky 100% Alpaca, the booties are a fantastic free pattern from Saartje Knits.


Peanut and me are doing fine except all the normal aches and pains, 32 days to go:)

Oh and Andy says hello to everyone.


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7 responses to “More knitting Less baby :)

  1. Roo

    The mystery stole is looking stunning. I like how yours is a little less “lacy” than others I have seen. I shows up the pattern really really well. I’m still trying to decide whether to make this, or make my first stole something with an easy repeat. I have the yarn and the beads. I guess I just need to get swatching! The little hat and booties are just too cute :0)

  2. Your Mystery Stole is looking wonderful!

  3. raker

    Those booties are gorgeous!

    I’m home with my own little lumpkin now, and trying hard not to lose it every 3 hours when the inconsolable wailing starts. The GWH, and the staff on the delivery/post-natal ward in particular, were as fantastic as I’d been led to believe – we spent a lovely few days in a gorgeous warm bubble there, before heading home to the harsh realities of it all…

    Hope your experiences continue to be positive. The next 32 days will either be like wading through treacle, or will fly by for you. Get as much rest as you can – I only slept for 2 and a half hours in the first 72!!!

  4. Lix

    I’ve added those booties to my queue on ravelry! They are so sweet.

  5. Can you email me your full name and address? I didn’t get organised for the baby shower but have a little something to send you.

    I love those Saartjis booties – they are so cute.

  6. Your stole is coming on nicely! I like the beads 🙂

    Laura x

  7. Your Mystery stole is great. The yarn you chose if making a fantastic showing and I love the beads. I didnt put beads on mine(too chicken). I love your Saartje booties. I just made my first pair. Isnt it a great pattern!?!

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